Crystal Properties

Amazonite is known as a stone of truth, courage, and hope. It deeply stimulates the throat chakra, empowering one to express their true thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. Amazonite enables one to establish a healthy sense of self-worth and reduces tendencies to self- neglect, particularly in women. It promotes emotional balance, enhances communication, and gives one the strength to set clear, firm boundaries with others. Amazonite has a deeply calming effect on the mind, making it an excellent stone to use during meditation.
Amethyst is a soothing crystal that promotes inner peace, calmness, and balance. It helps to awaken the soul and realize one's life purpose. It deeply stimulates the third eye chakra, strengthens intuition, and accelerates the development of psychic abilities. It is a highly protective stone, guarding one from negative influences and psychic attacks. Amethyst is also a powerful aid in helping one overcome addictions and compulsive behaviors, bringing self-awareness and healing. Working with Amethyst stimulates creativity and imagination, and encourages one to bring their projects to fruition.
Angel Aura Quartz is a very high vibration stone that has the ability to expand one's consciousness and heal the physical and spiritual body. It is an uplifting stone which promotes joy, serenity, and optimism. Meditating with Angel Aura Quartz is said to bring one into the higher realms and better facilitate contact with angels and spirit guides. It enhances intuition and awakens one's psychic gifts. It is also said to cleanse and heal the heart, helping release feelings of grief, anger, and pain to allow one to begin on the path of personal growth.
Apatite is a powerful stone of manifestation and encourages one to work relentlessly to achieve their dreams and desires. It improves motivation, self-confidence, and communication with others. Apatite is beneficial for those who have recently started a new business as it encourages one to maximize their creative potential. It deepens meditation and its vibrations are said to attract spirits, angels, and other entities to help guide one on their journey to success. It is also believed to be one of the most effective stones to curb appetite and aid one on their weight loss journey.
Aquamarine is a stone of courage. It opens the throat chakra and aids all types of communication. It allows one to speak clearly and calmly in difficult situations. As a stone of the Water element, it gently brings one in touch with their subconscious and deepest emotions. Aquamarine enhances intuition and awakens one's psychic abilities and spiritual gifts. Its calming energies reduce stress and help to quiet the mind, making it a wonderful stone for meditation. Aquamarine allows one to connect with their true self, leading to an enhanced sense of inner peace and confidence.
Black Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings and carries the energy of the New Moon. It is recommended that one works with Black Moonstone during a New Moon period when setting new intentions. It enhances intuition and inner knowing, and helps one connect with their feelings and emotions on a deeper level. Black Moonstone calms the mind, which makes it an ideal stone for use during meditation and healing sessions. It is also said to be an effective stone for new mothers, as it brings out nurturing, feminine energy.
Black Obsidian has a very strong healing energy. It is known to aid the release of addictive behaviors, eating disorders, physical pain, and emotional blockages. Black Obsidian will help clean and remove negative energies from any environment, such as at work or home. When these energies are released, Black Obsidian will help keep the space protected against negativity. It is a deeply grounding and protective crystal that brings power and strength. It shields one from negativity in the environment, from others, and from within the self.

Black Onyx is a powerful protection stone that works to absorb negative energy. It aids in the healing of past pain and resentment as it gives one the courage to start a new journey. Black Onyx is a great companion during times of stress, grief, and trauma by giving one the emotional strength to keep moving forward. It is a stone of discipline and provides one with the willpower, stamina, and persistence to take all necessary action to achieve their goals. It also helps one make wise decisions and opens the mind to new opportunities.

Black Tourmaline protects against psychic attacks, spells, evil spirits, and negative energies of all kinds. It is recommended to be worn by anyone living or working in uncomfortable and negative environments. Connecting with the root chakra, Black Tourmaline is a very effective grounding stone, helping one feel safe and secure. It gives one the strength to embrace who they are and speak their truth. It eliminates negative thought patterns, habits, and behaviors, and encourages a positive mental attitude no matter what circumstances one is faced with.

Bloodstone is one of the most powerful physical and emotional healing stones available. It is believed to be very effective in treating disorders of the blood, such as blood clots and anemia, as well as healing muscle injuries, lowering blood pressure, and providing pain relief. It gives one the strength to remain optimistic despite setbacks and challenges. Bloodstone has a warm and comforting energy, and helps one look to the future with optimism and not dwell on the past. It draws energy through the root chakra, giving one renewed vitality and an empowered zest for life.

Blue Calcite is known as one of the most soothing and relaxing stones. It forms a protective shield around one's aura and softens the impact of psychic stimuli. It is an excellent stone for empaths as it allows those who are sensitive to the energies and thoughts of others to not feel so overwhelmed. Blue Calcite enhances the vividness of dreams, and improves one's ability to recall and integrate them. It is also said to be particularly beneficial for anyone suffering with depression, anxiety, and grief due to its calming, healing, and comforting effect.

Blue Goldstone is a crystal commonly associated with success and prosperity. Wearing Blue Goldstone can help one feel calm, secure, and relaxed. It is also said to assist in improving concentration, efficiency, and memory. It imparts strength, confidence, and happiness, and is excellent for improving creativity and imagination. As Blue Goldstone is often associated with the throat chakra, it can improve communication with others. Blue Goldstone can help one reach for the stars and have the courage to achieve all their dreams and desires.

Blue Lace Agate is an incredibly calming and soothing crystal, giving one a sense of inner peace, serenity, and tranquility. It works at a slow and steady pace, making it beneficial to work with over a long period of time. It opens the throat chakra and aids in the verbal expression of thoughts and feelings. It allows one to speak clearly and calmly, and not worry about the opinions of other people. It can be beneficial to calm an overactive mind and eliminate negative thinking patterns. Blue Lace Agate is also said to relieve insomnia, tension headaches, and high blood pressure.

Carnelian is known as the 'Stone of Action'. It is a high energy crystal with a warm energy that helps restore vitality and motivation. It stimulates creativity, strengthens concentration, and brings out undiscovered talents. Carnelian is a crystal of bold leadership and courage. It gives one the self- confidence, willpower, and determination to achieve success in business and other pursuits. It provides mental clarity to aid decision-making and overcome procrastination. Carnelian assists one in becoming more independent and promotes healthy sexual relationships. 

Celestite is a high vibration stone that has a calming and uplifting energy. It is said to be very effective for stimulating clairvoyance, aiding dream recall, and helping one access and communicate with the celestial realm. It promotes purity of the heart, heals the aura, and brings emotional stability. Celestite is helpful for those experiencing feelings of depression by clearing negative thoughts and replacing them with feelings of hope, optimism, and renewal. It is also said to improve dysfunctional relationships by facilitating communication in a gentle and peaceful manner.

Citrine has one of the most joyful and uplifting energies of any crystal as it possesses healing properties of the Sun. The warm and bright energy of Citrine promotes self-confidence, individuality, courage, and hope. It assists one in manifesting wealth and abundance into their life. Citrine is one of the most effective crystals to treat depression and low self-esteem. It helps one stay in the present moment, and set and maintain emotional boundaries. It awakens creative energy and pushes one to imagine all that can be. Citrine is also said to help one become less sensitive to criticism from others.

Clear Quartz is known as the 'Master Healer'. It is a powerful crystal that amplifies the energies of other crystals and can be programmed to manifest any intention. One of the best ways to experience the immense power of Clear Quartz is to use it to help amplify your intentions. Firstly, define exactly what it is you want, and then use Clear Quartz to magnify your intention until it manifests. It is an excellent stone for concentration as it enables one to focus and think clearly. Clear Quartz balances all the chakras, clears stagnant energy, and opens the mind to higher guidance.

Emerald is known as the 'Stone of Successful Love'. Stimulating the heart chakra, Emerald encourages one to live and act from the heart, offering unconditional love, patience, and compassion towards oneself and others. It opens the heart to receiving love from others and clears the channel for one's connection with Divine Love. Emerald can help heal heartache and promote friendship. Wearing Emerald is also said to help attune one's vibrational pattern to the spectrum of abundance and prosperity, enabling one to attract what they desire in life.

Fluorite is a highly protective and stabilizing stone that cleanses the mind, body, and spirit. It aids decision-making and promotes mental clarity, making it beneficial for those who are indecisive or have trouble organizing their thoughts. Fluorite helps one stay in the present moment, and releases negative thought patterns and behaviors. It encourages one to incorporate structure and routine into their daily lives. It is one of the most effective stones for promoting deep concentration, improving memory, and enhancing the creative flow of ideas.

Goldstone is known as the 'Stone of Ambition'. It is a powerful crystal that can help one achieve their goals by increasing persistence, courage, and determination. Goldstone can also help one remain calm, even in the most stressful situations. It allows one to think clearly and refrain from making impulsive decisions. Goldstone can help one stay energized and enthusiastic. It is an excellent crystal for deflecting any unwanted energies, making it a very useful protection stone. Goldstone is also said to be helpful in reducing stomach tension and painful joints.

Golden Obsidian is a stone of personal power. It helps one find a sense of direction in their life that aligns with Divine will. It enables one to identify and gently erase the thoughts, habits, and behaviors that are preventing them from achieving their goals in life. It encourages one to actively make positive changes in all areas of their life. It also helps us discover our hidden talents and abilities, and start to use them to the best of our ability. It is a powerful stone for manifesting and attracting wealth and prosperity. It is also said to be effective for crystal ball scrying.

Lapis Lazuli is a crystal of confidence, leadership, and communication. It has long been a favored stone used by royal leaders, such as Cleopatra. It reveals one's inner truth and allows for self-expression without holding back. It releases feelings of frustration, resentment, and anger. It is an excellent stone for those in leadership positions as it stimulates wisdom, integrity, and authenticity. Lapis Lazuli facilitates the acceptance of people and situations we cannot change, and encourages the qualities of honesty, compassion, and empathy when dealing with others, particularly teenagers.

Malachite is a powerful stone of self-transformation and amplifies both positive and negative energies. It opens and heals the heart, eases heartache, and promotes deep emotional healing. It is one of the most effective stones for protection from negative energies. Malachite absorbs negative energy but does not release it, making it important to ensure it is cleansed regularly. Placed on the third eye, Malachite can enhance visualization and psychic vision. It can be used to access other worlds and assists one in receiving insights from the subconscious mind.

Moldavite is a stone of self-transformation and carries a very intense frequency. Its vibrations are quickly felt, often dramatically by those who resonate with its power. Moldavite is said to attract all that relates to one's personal and spiritual evolution. This can include changes in relationships, friendships, lifestyle, and career. One may also experience inner awakenings and visions of their true purpose when working with Moldavite. It is recommended that a strong grounding stone, such as Black Tourmaline or Smoky Quartz, is worn when first starting to use this stone.

Petrified Wood is a stone of spiritual transformation. It has a deep connection with Mother Earth, making it an effective grounding and centering stone. It teaches one to remain patient and not be too hard on themselves. It instills strength of character and encourages one to live life on their own terms. Associated with the root and third eye chakras, Petrified Wood gives one the ability to translate spiritual insights into real changes in their physical life. It promotes emotional healing linked to difficult relationships, especially those of ancestral origin.

Pyrite carries powerful vibrations of strength, willpower, and protection. It stimulates the solar plexus chakra and imparts an immediate increase in vitality and motivation. It encourages one to eliminate negative habits and establish new, positive behaviors and routines that will benefit them in the long term. It enhances mental clarity, sharpens focus, and stimulates creativity and imagination. It forms a protective shield around the wearer, guarding them from negativity. Pyrite has long been recognized as a stone of good luck, and is said to attract abundance and prosperity to the wearer.

Rose Quartz has long been recognized as a stone of unconditional love. It carries a soft feminine energy and helps one raise their self-esteem. Rose Quartz cleanses the heart chakra, allowing vibrations of love to flow freely without fear. It opens the heart at all levels to promote self-love and acceptance of oneself and others. It promotes healthy and harmonious relationships of all kinds, and can be effective for attracting new love. Rose Quartz strengthens empathy, patience, compassion, and sensitivity, and is also said to be helpful to aid the acceptance of necessary change.

Selenite is a powerful stone with a very fine vibration. It opens and stimulates the crown and higher crown chakras. It purifies and cleanses the aura, and protects one from negative influences. It instills deep peace, making it highly effective in meditation or spiritual work. Selenite assists spiritual insight, clears mental confusion, and aids one in seeing the deeper picture. It can be used to form a protective grid around a house, creating a safe and quiet space that does not allow outside influences in. It can also be placed in a workplace to ensure a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

Shungite is a rare and powerful purification stone. It removes toxins from the body, and supports the immune and lymphatic systems. It clears and reinvigorates each chakra, extending through the body from the root chakra upwards. It improves mental clarity and purifies one's emotions, thoughts, and intentions. Shungite is capable of clearing the energy of an entire room and offers protection against outside forces, particularly counteracting the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields and radiation from electronic devices.

Sodalite is a crystal that brings order and calmness to the mind. It promotes emotional balance, eases insomnia and anxiety, and calms panic attacks. Sodalite improves one's self-esteem and acceptance of themselves. Insecurities are often eliminated when one works with Sodalite on a consistent basis, as it will restore one's confidence in their unique talents and abilities. It enhances creativity and imagination. It can also be placed in a group setting, such as an office, to promote harmony, cooperation, and teamwork.

Tiger Eye carries the energies of a combination of Sun and Earth elements, making it a powerful stone of both grounding and energizing vibrations. It enhances focus and willpower, giving one the courage to step out of their comfort zone and take action to achieve their goals. It amplifies the energies of other crystals as well as one's intentions, making it a powerful manifestation tool. Tiger Eye can help one feel self-empowered and reduce the need for approval from others. It gives one confidence in their own abilities and the strength to overcome setbacks.

Tourmaline cleanses, purifies, and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration. It grounds spiritual energy, balances all the chakras, and forms a protective shield around the entire body. Psychologically, Tourmaline aids in understanding oneself and others. It promotes self-confidence and diminishes fear. It banishes any feelings of being a victim, and attracts tolerance and compassion. Tourmaline is also said to be helpful in treating dyslexia as it improves hand-to-eye coordination, and aids the assimilation and translation of coded information.

Turquoise has a soft, gentle, and comforting energy. It dispels negative energy and can be worn to protect against outside influences or pollutants in the atmosphere. It aligns all the chakras, promotes an optimistic attitude, and instills a deep sense of inner peace. Turquoise is said to be an effective crystal for those suffering with depression, panic attacks, or social anxiety. It is recommended to be worn by those who fear public speaking as it promotes calmness and clear communication. It encourages us to speak from a place of love and truth, both with ourselves and others.

White Howlite is an extremely calming and soothing stone. It is beneficial for those who suffer with insomnia as it quiets the mind, helping one experience a peaceful sleep. It also enables one to enter a deep meditative state. White Howlite helps relax the entire body and releases muscle tension. It can be used to facilitate a higher state of spiritual and emotional self-awareness. It encourages calm communication with others, and eliminates feelings of frustration, impatience, and anger. It also brings greater gentleness, empathy, and compassion when dealing with others.