Amethyst X Quartz AMPLIFIED Vibes
Amethyst X Quartz AMPLIFIED Vibes
Amethyst X Quartz AMPLIFIED Vibes
Amethyst X Quartz AMPLIFIED Vibes

Amethyst X Quartz AMPLIFIED Vibes

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This beautiful necklace is available in Amethyst dangling from a 1″-1.5″ piece of Quartz to make this stunning piece! In your choice of Gold or Silver.

Amethyst is a soothing crystal that promotes inner peace, calmness, and balance. It helps to awaken the soul and realize one's life purpose. It deeply stimulates the third eye chakra, strengthens intuition, and accelerates the development of psychic abilities. It is a highly protective stone, guarding one from negative influences and psychic attacks. Amethyst is also a powerful aid in helping one overcome addictions and compulsive behaviors, bringing self-awareness and healing. Working with Amethyst stimulates creativity and imagination, and encourages one to bring their projects to fruition.


Clear Quartz is known as the 'Master Healer'. It is a powerful crystal that amplifies the energies of other crystals and can be programmed to manifest any intention. One of the best ways to experience the immense power of Clear Quartz is to use it to help amplify your intentions. Firstly, define exactly what it is you want, and then use Clear Quartz to magnify your intention until it manifests. It is an excellent stone for concentration as it enables one to focus and think clearly. Clear Quartz balances all the chakras, clears stagnant energy, and opens the mind to higher guidance.



Amethyst X Quartz AMPLIFIED Vibes Gold or Silver Plated
Amethyst X Quartz AMPLIFIED Vibes
Amethyst X Quartz AMPLIFIED Vibes